Interview - James Hock

Architectural poetry punctuated by a conceptual approach of the lines, James Hock sculpts the garment as a piece of art to create a unique osmosis between imaginary and reality. The fantasy of a feminine silhouette magnified along the transparency, and association of textures. Powerful and emotional, the "0" collection brings us through an unexpected journey.

"How can you express the soul of your garments ?"

James Hock 
"For me every collection reflects the mood and the state of mind that I'm in. Every garment has to talk back to me. They not only have to look right but more importantly they have to feel right. I wouldn't put something in a collection unless it makes me feel the way that I'm feeling"

"What makes you believe in Fashion ?"

James Hock
"I believe in many things but I wouldn't say I believe in Fashion. It just happened to be the name given to some of the things that I do. There are lots of things not right about fashion but at the same time, I'm not about to slack off the industry that I'm in"

'0' (Zero)

Photo, Garazi Gardner
Styling, Matt King
Hair/MUA, Ming Wong
Asst Stylist, Rachel Doerk
Model, Skye Victoria
