Interview - Dean Stephen Davies

Journey through the stages of a human evolution where the designer, Dean Stephen Davies gives his own perception of the "female" life-cycling carried into a masculine environment. Questioning our vision and interpretation, "Heavy Burdens" inspects the impact of a dependence in our perspectives and emotions, placing beyond the garments the importance of an imagery brought by the photography.

"How can you express the soul of your garments ?"

Dean Stephen Davies
"For me the documentation and presentation of my garments are equally as important as the design. Photography and film allow me to further explore my ideas, and I design garments ultimately for their photographic quality. The imagery is always a continuation of the clothes"

"What makes you believe in Fashion ?"

Dean Stephen Davies
"Having the freedom to create clothes that question pre-conceived notions of ‘every day’ attire. Also, the inability to ultimately defy what ‘fashion’ is"

"Heavy Burdens"
Photography, Styling, Clothes by Dean Stephen Davies
